Sunday, December 19, 2010

2010 Sarawak Croc Attack

Body parts of croc victim found floating in river
Some parts of crocodile victim Sidi Samad were found floating near his house located beside the bank of Batang Samarahan yesterday.
Two days after the victim was reported missing by his family, the search and rescue (SAR) team is still trying to locate the rest of his body.

As of press time yesterday, only the left arm and chest-to-waist portion of the 66-year-old had surfaced in the river.

The family insisted on burying the parts found despite no confirmation of Sidi’s death.

The community leader has to certify his death in order to proceed for documents required by the relevant department.

Sidi was last seen leaving his house to fish in a small sampan at Kampung Reban around 7am on Friday.

Kampung Reban – home to some 160 villagers mainly involved in farming – is located along the croc-infested bank of Batang Samarahan.

December 20, 2010, Monday

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Crocodile carcass stirs up town

GRUESOME SURPRISE: The heavily bloated 10-foot-long crocodile which was spotted on Tuesday 27/7/2010.

SRI AMAN: A huge crocodile which struck fear among Sri Aman folk was believed to have gone to see its maker

The carcass of a 10-foot crocodile which floated by the Sungai Batang Lupar wharf in Engkilili on Tuesday morning drew a huge crowd and wide speculations.

Townsfolk believe the crocodile was the same one which used to ‘play’ at Batang Lupar river near the Chinese cemetery.

According to a witness, when spotted, the massive crocodile – two feet in width – was already heavily bloated and rancid. He said the carcass was believed to have been swept down with the tide Tuesday night.

According to a farmer from Engkilili, the crocodile could be the one that attacked an elderly man last year.

He said the 70-year-old man’s leg was tugged by the man-eater when he was bathing in the river.

However, he managed to escape with minor injuries, said the farmer.

“I believe that the dead crocodile was the one which attacked the old man,” said the farmer.

Borneo Post 30/7/2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

BP June 28, 2010, Monday : Spaoh - Budak maut dibaham buaya

BETONG: Seorang murid Tahun Empat Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Sebemban, Spaoh maut dibaham buaya ketika sedang memancing di tebing Sungai Kampung Sebemban, Spaoh, di sini sekitar jam 4 petang kelmarin (Sabtu).
Jurucakap polis daripada Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Betong ketika dihubungi memberitahu mangsa yang maut dibaham buaya petang kelmarin dikenali sebagai Mohd Azroy Juti.

“Mangsa pada ketika itu dipercayai sedang bermain bersama rakan-rakannya sambil memancing ikan di sekitar kawasan tebing Sungai Kampung Sebemban, Spaoh.

“Ketika sedang leka bermain dan memancing di sungai berkenaan, seekor buaya tiba-tiba muncul dan menyeret mangsa ke dalam sungai berkenaan,” katanya sambil menambah bahawa mangsa timbul semula di sungai setelah diterkam buaya berkenaan.

Pihak polis kemudiannya menurut beliau, terus bertindak melancarkan gerakan mencari dan menyelamat setelah menerima laporan berhubung kes berkenaan di Balai Polis Betong.

Mayat mangsa yang dikenali dengan panggilan Lasu di kalangan rakan-rakannya telah berjaya ditemui oleh pihak polis sekitar jam 10 malam tadi di kawasan berdekatan dengan tebing sungai kampung berkenaan.

“Mayat mangsa kemudiannya dihantar ke Hospital Betong untuk tujuan bedah siasat sebelum dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Seruai, Spaoh pada pagi hari ini (semalam),” katanya.